Tuesday 1 November 2011

Internet... do your worst!

A video of a family law judge beating his own daughter went viral earlier tonight. The reason for this beating was because apparently she "used the internet", which is just plain crazy. Fortunately this girl was both smart and brave enough to video tape this on her computer camera.

I watched this video for about the first five minutes and was very disturbed by what I was watching. The asshole of a father kept beating her with his belt yelling "TURN OVER!" and when she wouldn't the mother came in and took the belt away and hit her with it. Obviously the mother was not in a right state of mind, probably also beaten often and was just manipulated. After a couple minutes the father came back to the room with a bigger belt, and I had to turn the video off.

This is one of those times that I am sooo happy that the internet exists. Because after this was made public, very quickly people found his personal information (phone numbers, fax, address) and I can only imagine the stuff that people from the internet will do.

Personally I hope that the daughter gets sent away to a safe place, the mother gets the therapy that she needs, and the father gets sent to prison for life. I hope that man gets what he deserves, and the sisters show him a nice time in prison.

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