Tuesday 27 September 2011

Reddit? films!

Lately I have been obsessed with the website "Reddit", there is a lot of funny stuff, informing stuff, and lately I've found some pretty derpressing subreddits, like "depression" "Bipolar Reddit" and "Relationship Advice"... reading these people so very honest and depressing stories have made me realize how great a life I really have. While there are some set backs in life, you just need to remember it could be worse, and others have it worse.

But don't worry like I said before, this is also a happy site, full of happyness! :)

Not sure what else to write about like always, Dom is writing about our filming this past weekend for my film studies class. I would say the hardest types of films to make are horror and comedy. Our short teaser was a horror, and I don't think its going to scare anybody too much, but it is very well done, and am very proud of it. The only way our video could have been better or scarier would be if it could be longer, but thats not up to us (we had a maximum of 45 seconds).

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