Monday 19 September 2011

New shows this fall

Tonight is the premiere of 2 and 1/2 men... I don't really care about that show, but I do care about the Premiere of season 7 of "How I Met Your Mother" (in my opinion best comedy series, next to Seinfeld). Also tonight is the Roast of Charlie Sheen, which I'm also excited about, the only other roast I've seen is the Roast of Donald Trump, which was hilarious.

Always Sunny has already started, but I can't watch it cause I still havent gotten the last season on DVD. This upcoming season looks hilarious, mac gained soooo much wait just for a joke that he would  be called "Big Mac"


Yep, dunno what else to write :p

anything else happening in the TV scene? survivor i guess, I still like that show...

person of interest seems pretty good, i think it starts thursday

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