Friday 9 September 2011


Im going to start of this blog with a terrible joke...

Three tomatos are walking down the street, Mama tomato, Papa tomato and Baby tomato. The Baby tomato starts falling behind and the Papa tomato walks over to him and squishes him and says "Ketchup!"

So I have to talk (or I guess write) about a story right? Well the other day i saw a video that was about a TV show called "Toddlers & Tiaras". This is a show about beauty pagents for children, and in the next episode one of the daughters is dressed up on stage as Julia Roberts in "Pretty Woman". If you don't know, Julia plays a prostitute.
In my opinion these pagents were bad enough before the parents started dressing up their daughters to look like prostitutes. These pagents are not for the children, but for the parents to feel better because they wantto feel better about themselves. I am disturbed by everyone who attends these pagents, and anyone who watches this show (hopefully I am not friends with anyone that watches it, becuase I might have to defriend them).

I am confused on my opinion on if they should stop the pagents in general. Maybe it would eb good if it would be 18+. So no more children? that sounds good to me, because if they choose to goto these kind of things and dress up like prostitutes when they are older then all the power to them, but they shouldnt be forced by their terrible parents to do these kind of things.

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