Thursday 29 September 2011

Cougar Vision or "Broadcasting"?

Sir Wil believes that their "broadcasting" class, is better than our "Cougar Vision". I think the main reason was that they think because they have live shows in the morning, and we have pre-recorded shows, they are more professional. And two girls from Sir Wil even came over to the school, asking our students if they thought Cougar Vision was terrible.

After hearing all this I thought "wow, I know were not the best(yet), but are they really that much better than us?" Then yesterday I watched some clips of Sir Wil's youtube channel, and all I have to say is "Wow". They didn't have any full shows uploaded, I did see their skits, intros and streeter pieces. And I just watching those made me feel so much better, because they were all awful. They claim they have computer labs full of Macs, so what are they using them for? Because it's definately not for after effects, because it seemed like they used Windows Movie Maker.

I think at the end if the year there should be a movie festival between both schools, you will see that we will dust them.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Reddit? films!

Lately I have been obsessed with the website "Reddit", there is a lot of funny stuff, informing stuff, and lately I've found some pretty derpressing subreddits, like "depression" "Bipolar Reddit" and "Relationship Advice"... reading these people so very honest and depressing stories have made me realize how great a life I really have. While there are some set backs in life, you just need to remember it could be worse, and others have it worse.

But don't worry like I said before, this is also a happy site, full of happyness! :)

Not sure what else to write about like always, Dom is writing about our filming this past weekend for my film studies class. I would say the hardest types of films to make are horror and comedy. Our short teaser was a horror, and I don't think its going to scare anybody too much, but it is very well done, and am very proud of it. The only way our video could have been better or scarier would be if it could be longer, but thats not up to us (we had a maximum of 45 seconds).

Monday 19 September 2011

New shows this fall

Tonight is the premiere of 2 and 1/2 men... I don't really care about that show, but I do care about the Premiere of season 7 of "How I Met Your Mother" (in my opinion best comedy series, next to Seinfeld). Also tonight is the Roast of Charlie Sheen, which I'm also excited about, the only other roast I've seen is the Roast of Donald Trump, which was hilarious.

Always Sunny has already started, but I can't watch it cause I still havent gotten the last season on DVD. This upcoming season looks hilarious, mac gained soooo much wait just for a joke that he would  be called "Big Mac"


Yep, dunno what else to write :p

anything else happening in the TV scene? survivor i guess, I still like that show...

person of interest seems pretty good, i think it starts thursday

Thursday 15 September 2011

This One Goes To 11

I have recently started listening to a girl punk band called "Bikini Kill", and I think this is the first time ever that I understand that the band is not that good, but I still like it. I guess that's called guilty pleasure eh? I'm trying to think of other guily pleasures of mine but am drawing a blank.

This band is my intro to the punk scene, after listening to them I downloaded the "Greatest Hits" of the Ramones, and I think next I'll start listening to the Sex Pistols. I find it intriguing that this is, to my knowledge the first all girl band that I like, maybe one of the few bands I like that have a girl singer even.

My music library is kinda weird, I was into a lot of Rock music for a while (Rush, Zeppelin, Skynyrd), now I'm trying to expand. I think the newest music I've started to listen to are Girl Tlak, Deadmau5, and a couple other things.

Friday 9 September 2011


Im going to start of this blog with a terrible joke...

Three tomatos are walking down the street, Mama tomato, Papa tomato and Baby tomato. The Baby tomato starts falling behind and the Papa tomato walks over to him and squishes him and says "Ketchup!"

So I have to talk (or I guess write) about a story right? Well the other day i saw a video that was about a TV show called "Toddlers & Tiaras". This is a show about beauty pagents for children, and in the next episode one of the daughters is dressed up on stage as Julia Roberts in "Pretty Woman". If you don't know, Julia plays a prostitute.
In my opinion these pagents were bad enough before the parents started dressing up their daughters to look like prostitutes. These pagents are not for the children, but for the parents to feel better because they wantto feel better about themselves. I am disturbed by everyone who attends these pagents, and anyone who watches this show (hopefully I am not friends with anyone that watches it, becuase I might have to defriend them).

I am confused on my opinion on if they should stop the pagents in general. Maybe it would eb good if it would be 18+. So no more children? that sounds good to me, because if they choose to goto these kind of things and dress up like prostitutes when they are older then all the power to them, but they shouldnt be forced by their terrible parents to do these kind of things.