Tuesday 22 November 2011

Rises to the End

Christopher Nolan just had an interview with Empire magazine, revealing some information about his upcoming movie "The Dark Knight Rises". Nolan said that it will take place eight years after "The Dark Knight", and will be about how Bruce Wayne is older, and weaker than before. Other information that isn't knew, but still worth writing about would be the new actors and characters joining this Nolan Batman series. Tom Hardy (Inception), is playing Bane, and Anne Hathaway (Ella Enchanted), is playing Catwoman. I just went on IMDB and saw that Joseph Gordan-Levitt is also in this, the original rumor was that he was going to be the Riddler and be the main villain, which I think I would hav enjoyed, but am still happy with the idea of Tom Hardy as Bane. Instead of the Riddler, Gordan-Levitt is playing "John Blake", who is a character that I have never heard of.

The rest of the old cast is still there, and will be back (without Ledger sadly). But yes, Morgan Freeman is back as Lucius Fox, Michael Cane as Alfred, Gary Oldman as Commisioner Gordan. Even Liam Neeson and Cillian Murphy are coming back for the last one to reprise their roles as Ra's Al Ghul and The Scarecrow. Looking at this cast I realize that there are a lot of returning actors from Nolan's last film "Inception", and I just love this because all of my favorite directors typically use the same actors in a lot of their films. I find it really gives the actors a sense of comfort, and imagine that these are the films they enjoy making the most, because they keep returning to the director.

I didn't know until today that it would take place eight years after "The Dark Knight", but it does make sense. And is very possible, as we all know by looking at all the films of Christian Bale, he has no problem with changing his body for the a role.

I am sad that this series will be over, but all good things must come to an end. I'm sure there will be future batman films in my time... but I'm positive none will come close to the Nolan series.

Thursday 10 November 2011

Remembrance Day

Every year of my life I have had a remembrance ceremony in school, but what about when i'm out of school? Will I continue this moment of silence at 11:00 11/11? I hope I do, but I can't promise anything.

While I do have great respect for the fallen who were fighting for their countries, I think I would be a little more attached to this day emotionally if I had family apart of the war. The closest thing I have had to a family member in war is my great uncle. I believe he joined the military in the Korean War, but while he never actually left Canada he still had plenty of stories of when he went over to Korea... so there you go, the closest thing I have to family war stories are fake ones made up by my drug addict great uncle.

For Cougar Vision my group interviewed a couple of war veterans, (Want to check out the video? Go to our CougarVision2012 youtube channel). These interviews were quite eye opening, these men were very honest, telling crazy story about the people that they saw die, and time in POW Camps. Hearing these men talk, it... it really makes you thankful for not having to go through this pain yourself.

I do love war video games and war movies, but around this time of the year I take the time to think of what they mean, and try to wrap my head around the fact that todays youth are playing on a virtual representation of Iwo Jima, and D-Day, places where real men were scared and cold, and real men died... and didn't respawn...

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Why is news so morbid?

In my blog I have started writing about news stories instead of just random stuff like before, and its just plain depressing. Apparently, some time last week a girl in Orleans (where I live), got off a city bus and was  beaten by a group of girls. The question at hand is wheher or not she knew these girls. If she knew them before, then it is still bad, but it would be worse if i was just random. Because the swarm of girls not only beat her up, then stole her stuff, but they kept beating the crap out of her once they had her stuff. I honestly can't believe that there were no witnisses around, I do know that there were a couple of guy friends of the mean girls that were just there watching.

Personally, Im scared for my friends, because basically everyone I know busses around the orleans area. I can't imagine hearing about a friend in this situation, or seeing the brutal outcome.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Internet... do your worst!

A video of a family law judge beating his own daughter went viral earlier tonight. The reason for this beating was because apparently she "used the internet", which is just plain crazy. Fortunately this girl was both smart and brave enough to video tape this on her computer camera.

I watched this video for about the first five minutes and was very disturbed by what I was watching. The asshole of a father kept beating her with his belt yelling "TURN OVER!" and when she wouldn't the mother came in and took the belt away and hit her with it. Obviously the mother was not in a right state of mind, probably also beaten often and was just manipulated. After a couple minutes the father came back to the room with a bigger belt, and I had to turn the video off.

This is one of those times that I am sooo happy that the internet exists. Because after this was made public, very quickly people found his personal information (phone numbers, fax, address) and I can only imagine the stuff that people from the internet will do.

Personally I hope that the daughter gets sent away to a safe place, the mother gets the therapy that she needs, and the father gets sent to prison for life. I hope that man gets what he deserves, and the sisters show him a nice time in prison.