Monday 23 January 2012

Going Too Far

I think that I have a pretty good sense of humour, often sadistic, but still good. I’ll just start with the statement that I love Jackass, the TV show and all three movies. I love knowing I am smarter than those idiots, and will never snort wasabi, or try and annoy a bull.

The point of Jackass is reaction comedy. Generally the guys go out in public, do something stupid, and they film the reaction of the audience around. If not in public, they at least film the reactions of the friends laughing at the jackass in pain. Trying to think back to their best segments, for the most part, they don’t really affect civilians. For the most part they get emotional reactions, for example the fear of seeing an old man fall down some stairs. The only time I think they actually affected a business or company in a way that caused trouble was when Dave England took a poop in one of the toilets in one of the store, this is an example of going too far. By that I mean they pushed the boundaries, and while I do not approve, and think what they did was wrong, just messing with an innocent guys day… I do think it was 100% hilarious.

One of my favorite companies on the internet is a group of friends called Mega64. They are most known for dressing up like video game characters, and interacting with strangers for the purpose of getting reactions. I have the exact same feeling with them as Jackass. They often just interact with each other, while civilians walk by, but sometimes they go as far, or further than the Jackass boys. For example, again keep in mind it was hilarious, it was a a**hole move. In a video game called Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, the character is able to go back in time after making a mistake. One of the guys buys a trey full of stuff from a fast-food joint, and as he walks away from the counter he purposefully falls on the ground, dropping the trey. He then proceeds to acts like he’s making time reverse, and gets up, and walks out of the restaurant backwards.

I don’t know what the outcome of the fast-food joint was, or what the outcome of the Dave England toilet stunt was, but from what was shown on video, it seems as though the guys just leave without helping clean anything up. I don’t know what happened after each, but I do hope they each at least apologised and paid for what they did.

The main reason I am on this subject is because of a couple of videos that I have just started watching on youtube which feature a Frenchman named Remi Gaillard. This guy does the same things as these past two examples… except he takes it to much further levels. By that I mean he is more of a a**hole that the jackass guys, which says something, and he has no respect at all for authority or people’s property. I will say it again, I do find him funny and continue to watch his videos, I’m not talking about that though, just the fact that my conscious keeps telling me that this is too far, and what will be next? I mean, this guy is running through bars and stores, knocking displays and people over, he is disturbing police officers on purpose, and is even putting people in danger by driving on the road in a go kart, dressed as Mario, and throwing bananas at cars.

To conclude, I hope all of these three groups continue to make videos and shows, I just wish they could do less effect on innocent civilians, and more on their own idiotic bodies.

Jackass Stunt (NSFW) content might be disturbing for many viewers, you’ve been warned

Mega64 Skit

Remi Gaillard

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